
"Smart cities - towards the digital transformation of cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina"

The signing of a memorandum of cooperation by the five elected local self-government units in 2021 officially marked the beginning of the implementation of the project "Smart Cities - Towards Digital Transformation of Cities in BiH", which with the financial support of the program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), companies Lanaco and DVC Solutions, and implemented by Bit Alliance, an association of IT companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.   The contribution of this project is reflected in increasing the capacity of cities to adapt to digital transformation and the implementation of digital solutions. The planned period of implementation of project activities is from 2021 to 2023.   As part of the project, the implementation of digitization solutions is planned in the area of five public local governments: Zvornik, Pale, Zenica, Tešanj and Prijedor. In the area of the city of Zvornik and the municipality of Pale, the implementation of the "Citizen Patrol" application is planned, while in the area of Zenica, Tešnja and Prijedor, the implementation of a smart parking - the "GoParking" system is planned. The result of this project for the aforementioned public local self-governments are road maps of digital transformation that will significantly serve the path of digitalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.   During the second and third quarters of 2022, the implementation of the Civil Patrol application was completed in the area of the city of Zvornik and the municipality of Pale.   The implementation of the smart cities category is not possible without a developed IT sector within a state, institutions, as well as the public and private sectors. That is precisely why, on the initiative of the Bit Alliance, Smart City Forum was founded in 2021, a permanent meeting place for key actors who contribute to this process.

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Association for Internet Trade "eComm"

In Sarajevo, at the end of October 2021, the Association for Internet Trade "eComm" was founded, which operates throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).   Bit Alliance is one of the founders of the "eComm" Association together with: "PIK" d.o.o. Sarajevo, "LILIUM" d.o.o. Sarajevo and the Arbitri association. The establishment of the Association was supported by the MarketMakers Project, which is financed by the Government of Switzerland, and which in 2019 launched an initiative for the development of e-commerce in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which, in addition to the founder, 10 other companies participated, and within which the creation of 35 e-stores was supported as and the development of a business plan for the "eComm" Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina.   BiH is the only country in the region that has not had an active Association for the development of e-commerce, which continuously works to create a favorable and positive environment for the development of the e-market, and brings the country closer to global trends. Accordingly, the Association was founded to promote safe internet trade in BiH, to contribute to the improvement of legislative legislation in this area, and actively works on the education of all factors in the e-commerce process, from merchants to consumers. The association will be the main proponent of the development of e-commerce, and plans to expand partnerships with both the private and public sectors.   "Our goal is to develop the local market of online trade through the development of all phases of buying and selling. Starting from promotion and advertising, to online payment and delivery of goods, all the way to the improvement of legal regulations of online trade, security and effective protection of consumers and traders", emphasized the founders of the Association. eComm".   The promotion of online trade is based on the realization of various projects, cooperation with relevant stakeholders both in BiH and in the region, the organization of conferences and seminars (webinars) with the aim of promoting and spreading awareness of online trade, and educating the business community as well as consumers themselves, which would in should ultimately lead to the development and growth of the overall local and regional online trade.

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DUALSCI - Strengthening the capacity of dual education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The link between higher education institutions and the labor market in Bosnia and Herzegovina is not at a satisfactory level, in this regard, in 2020, in cooperation with partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Austria and Germany, the Erasmus+ project "Strengthening the capacity for the application of dual of education in higher education in BiH DUALSCI".   This project will create and propose legislative and other conditions for the implementation of higher education study programs based on the principle of dual education, which should result in much higher quality education and less drop-out of technical faculty students.   The planned time for project implementation is 3 years until the end of 2023.   Bit Alliance makes its contribution in proposing a model for the implementation of dual education at faculties in the field of electrical engineering and information technology, which is extremely important for the IT industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, for which there is great potential for progress.   During the month of January 2022, the first Dual Education Forum was held, organized by the Bit Alliance. The forum enabled the exchange of opinions, and it was concluded that only through the synergy of higher education institutions, business and government representatives can we reach appropriate systemic solutions.   As part of the project "Strengthening capacity for the implementation of dual education in the higher education sector in BiH", Bit Alliance is a proud partner together with the University of Zenica, the University of Mostar, the University of Sarajevo, the University of East Sarajevo, the University of Novi Sad, DHBW Heilbronn Germany, FH JOANNEUM Austria, WUS Austria, and IMH Campus from Spain.   During the project implementation period, study visits were organized by the Bit Alliance, in which the University of Sarajevo, the University of East Sarajevo, the University of Zenica and the University of Mostar participated. The mentioned study visits were held in Serbia (University of Novi Sad), Germany (DHBW Heilbronn), Austria (FH JOANNEUM and WUS Austria), and Spain (IMH Campus).   The goal of the study visits was to see positive examples and practices regarding dual education, as well as its implementation as part of the university's curriculum. Also, one of the goals was to see potential ways of achieving mutual cooperation between companies and universities.   More information about the project can be found on the website of the project itself.

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"EduBits – IT Courses" - WHAM

In March of 2020, as part of the "Workforce Development and Greater Access to Markets (WHAM)" project, a grant agreement was signed between Bit Alliance and USAID, with the aim of implementing the "EduBits - IT Courses" project.   The implementation of this project during 2020 and 2021 made a significant contribution to the training and employment of the labor force in the labor market of the IT industry, and training in various IT technologies was made possible for over 100 experts.   The participants were given the opportunity to develop their IT career and skills, so that in the future they could work on projects in Bit Alliance members and contribute to their further development, and the subject of the courses was selected based on the needs of IT companies in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla. given the lack of professional IT workforce on the labor market. This is another in a series of Bit Alliance projects dedicated to increasing the availability of opportunities to acquire IT knowledge and skills in order to create an in-demand IT workforce.   The project "Support to IT educational initiatives" was designed as a measure to support technical training and employment in IT companies, members of the Bit Alliance, given the lack of professional IT workforce on the labor market. Three types of training were implemented within the project: IT trainings in companies for the purpose of employment - 62 participants up-skill trainings for the existing workforce in IT companies - 21 participants courses for the unemployed and the general public – 70 participants   In 2020, a total of 153 participants participated in the mentioned trainings, 25 participants were employed after the trainings in IT companies.   During 2021, with the aim of providing support and enabling technical training, as well as employment within IT companies, 13 courses were implemented in Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar and Tuzla. The courses were successfully completed by 104 participants, 30 participants in Sarajevo, 41 in Banja Luka, 20 in Mostar and13 in Tuzla, of which 20 participants were employed during the duration of the project.   The following companies participated in the project: Authority Partners, ECHO Technology Solutions, Klika, LANACO, Ministry of Programming, PlanetSoft and Way7 Technologies.

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CoderDojo schools of programming

In order to provide primary and secondary school students, the opportunity for learning programming and other IT skills, Bit Alliance organized free programming schools and CoderDojo IT clubs in cooperation with partners.   CoderDojo is a movement established in Ireland that has created a global network of developers based on the volunteer work of mentors and other staff. CoderDojo community believes that understanding of programming languages is becoming increasingly important in the contemporary world, that it is better and easier to learn these skills in early adolescence and that everyone has the opportunity to learn these skills. Over the course of the year, more than 38,000 children have been attending CoderDojo workshops in more than 60 countries around the world. Within the CoderDojo school, attendees can learn to code, create a website, an application or a game, and introduce technology in an informal and creative environment.     Bit Alliance shares the vision of CoderDojo movement and has organized CoderDojo free programming school at 16 locations in 11 cities of B&H (Sarajevo, Sokolac, Travnik, Banja Luka, Gračanica, Tuzla, Maglaj, Zenica, Mostar, Konjic, Istočno Sarajevo). Up to now, more than 700 elementary and high school students from Bosnia and Herzegovina attended a free coding program. The school is organized in partnership with partner organizations on the basis of voluntary mentoring which enables children and young people to master the programming languages.   Our goal is to organize a free programming school CoderDojo in other cities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the forthcoming period, and we invite all organizations and IT professionals who consider the CoderDojo project useful for improving the IT community in BiH to contact us at [email protected]

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Edukacija - Vaš vodič kroz IT sektor BiH je jedinstveno mjesto koje nudi sveobuhvatne informacije o sektoru informacijskih tehnologija u Bosni i Hercegovini (IT sektor BIH), a s ciljem da pomogne mladim ljudima da na što lakši način postanu dio jednog od najperspektivnijih sektora u BIH. Cilj portala je također da informiše roditelje o prilikama koje nudi IT sektor mladima. Kako bi mladi što lakše pronašli informacije o IT sektoru portal pruža informacije o formalnim i neformalnim edukacijskim programima iz oblasti informacijskih tehnoloigija u BiH, kurseve, te podatke o globalnim online platformama za učenje IT vještina, kao i ono najznačajnije, savjete i resurse potrebne za učenje i ostvarivanje karijere u IT sektoru sa fokusom na oblast razvoja softvera.   Iako postoje mnoge druge oblasti i poslovi u IT sektoru, ovaj portal se fokusira isključivo na pružanje relevantnih informacija vezanih za karijeru u oblasti razvoja softvera iz razloga što je to najtraženija vještina u IT sektoru kako u BIH tako i globalno. Naravno, uz pozicije i poslove na razvoju softvera u IT sektoru postoje i drugi poslovi i funkcije kao što su prodaja, administracija, upravljanje ljudskim resursima, mrežna i sistemska administracija i slično, ali ovaj portal nije obuhvatio edukacije i karijerne savjete za te pozicije.   Portal je s toga praktičan vodič mladima i drugim posjetiteljima koji žele da postanu dio IT sektora u oblasti razvoja sofvera bez obzira na prethodno znanje i iskustvo. je jedinstveno mjesto koje sadrži edukacijske programe iz oblasti IT-a u BiH, kurseve, online platforme za učenje IT vještina, te savjete i resurse potrebne za učenje i ostvarivanje karijere u IT sektoru sa fokusom na oblast razvoja softvera. Portal je praktičan vodič mladima i drugim posjetiteljima koji žele da postanu dio IT sektora bez obzira na prethodno znanje i iskustvo.   S obzirom na identificiranu potražnju za stručnjacima iz oblasti softversog inženjerstva, sadržaj portala je pripremljen iz perspektive softverske industrije kao oblasti IT-a koja ima najveću potražnju za radnom snagom u IT sektoru. Tri ciljne grupe za koje su kreirani karijerni savjeti IT sektor bilježi kontinuirani rast i razvoj u proteklih sedam godina te predstavlja jedan od najatraktivnijih sektora za zapošljavanje u BiH s obzirom na ponuđene uslove rade i perspektivu daljeg rasta. Postoji velika potražnja za novim zaposlenicima koji imaju znanja potrebna za rad u IT sektoru te je cilj portala ponuditi savjete i odgovoriti na nedoumice osoba koje žele da ostvare karijeru u IT sektoru, sa posebnim fokusom na softversku industriju.   Portal ima savjetodavnu ulogu za osobe sa različitim nivoima tehničkih znanja i formalnog obrazovanja, a koje su zainteresovane za rad u IT sektoru. Sadržaj portala je koristan za one koji tek biraju profesionalno usmjerenje, kao i one koji žele da se prekvalifikuju u neka od IT zanimanja. Portal nudi savjete za tri ciljne grupe korisnika:   Osobe koje su zainteresovane za rad i zapošljavanje u IT sektoru bez tehničkog iskustva;   Osobe koje su zainteresovane za rad i zapopšljavanje u IT sektoru a koji imaju obrazovanje iz tehničkih oblasti kao što su inženjeri energetike, telekomunikacija, mašinstva;   Osobe koje već imaju određeno stečeno znanje iz oblasti IT-a.   Važno je naglasiti da uz želju, i intenzivan rad možete postati dio IT sektora nezavisno od prethodnog znanja i to bilo kroz formalno ili neformalno obrazovanje. Naravno, nivo napretka i razvoj karijere je različit zavisno od više faktora kao što su obrazovanje, volja i motivacija za napretkom i kontinuiranim učenjem, praksom i predispozicijama individue za određenu grupu poslova / razvoja specifičnih vještina.   Savjeti stručnjaka za upravljanje ljudskim resursima   Na portalu možete pronaći i savjete naših HR stručnjaka za sticanje znanja i vještina potrebnih za poslove u oblasti razvoja softvera, te pripreme za IT tržište rada. Savjete i informativne članke su pripremili HR menadžeri kompanija članica Bit Alijanse.   IT formalno i neformalno obrazovanje   Kroz sistematičan pregled IT studijskih programa i kurseva u Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i online globalnih edukacijcijskih platformi, osobe koje biraju buduće usmjerenje ili koji žele da se prekvalifikuju i usavrše u određenim oblastima IT-a mogu na jednom mjestu pronaći informacije o dostupnim IT edukacijama. Pored klasične edukacije u učionici, korisnici na portalu mogu pronaći linkove na najpopularnije platforme za online učenje koje koriste IT profesionalci za učenje i usavršavanje.   Baza poslova, praksi i IT događaja   Svi oni koji traže svoju priliku za praksu i zapošljavanje u IT kompanijama, baza oglasa za posao i praksu se sigurno biti koristan alat. Pored toga, portal sadrži i sekciju IT događaja tako da nećete propustiti niti jednu priliku za povezivanje sa IT profesionalcima.   Kontakt   Sve vaše prijedloge, ideje i komentare možete poslati na e-mail adresu [email protected].

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Public Advocacy

Conference On The Development Of Software Industry in B&H

Bit Alliance, in cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Transport in Bosnia and Herzegovina, organized the Second Conference On The Development Of Software Industry in B&H, which aims to present potentials that can be achieved in the software industry and to propose steps and solutions to decision-makers in state institutions. The second conference was held on May 10th of 2018, presenting trends in the development of this industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, countries of the region and the world, the challenges it face and the potential of employing a large number of young professionals in this sector of the economy. The conference was attended by 450 participants, including representatives of state institutions of all levels, company directors and software industry professionals, as well as representatives of educational institutions, NGOs and the media. In addition to presenting the potential of software industry development in B&H to the wider public, the organization of the The Second Conference On The Development Of Software Industry in B&H has sent a message of support to the software industry, as the official commitment of B&H and its institutions at all levels, with the aim of strategic development of this branch in B&H. The Bit Alliance will continue with the organization of similar events in order to better present the software industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to present proposals for the continuous development of this prospective business branch.  

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