Oracle Database Administrator

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PING otvara radno mjesto za Oracle Database Administratora, sa najmanje 2 godine  rada, na poslovima administracije Oracle ili MS SQL Server baze podataka.


Od kandidata očekujemo da posjeduju:

  • Visoku ili višu stručnu spremu tehničkog smjera
  • Iskustvo u administriranju Oracle/MS SQL Server RDBMS
  • Poznavanje SQL i PL/SQL / T-SQL programskog jezika
  • Elementarno poznavanje administracije Linux operativnih sistema (RHEL/Oracle Linux)
  • Elementarno poznavanje mrežnih tehnologija.
  • Aktivno poznavanje engleskog jezika


Ako imate iskustvo u samostalnom rješavanju problema, analitični ste i sistematično pristupate njihovom rješavanju vjerujemo da bi ovo mogla biti interesantna pozicija za vas. Čeka vas rad u timu profesionalaca, u kojem je međusobno poštovanje osnova svake komunikacije. U timu ćete imati priliku sticanja novih i usavršavanja postojećih vještina kao i mogućnost rada i sticanja iskustva u značajnim projektima.


U sigurnom i transparentnom poslovnom okruženju, vaša zaduženja će biti:

  • Instalacija, konfiguracija i održavanje baza podataka,
  • Definisanje i uspostavljanje sigurnosnih i backup procedura,
  • Praćenje performansi aplikacija na nivou baze podataka,
  • Poslovi tehničke podrške korisnicima,
  • Projektovanje i realizacija rješenja,
  • Priprema scenarija za testiranje rješenja,
  • Dokumentovanje rješenja


Vašu prijavu za poziciju zajedno sa  biografijom možete poslati na adresu [email protected].


Prijavom na oglas dajete saglasnost za čuvanje ličnih podataka u PING bazi kandidata.

Sistem/DevOps inžinjer

Sorry, this entry is only available in BHS.

PING proširuje svoj tim i otvara radno mjesto za Sistem/DevOps inžinjera, sa najmanje  jednogodišnjim iskustvom, na poslovima administracije Linux operativnih sistema ili virtuelizacijskih platformi.


Od potencijalnih kandidata očekujemo da posjeduju:

  • Visoku ili višu stručnu spremu tehničkog smjera
  • Iskustvo u administraciji Linux operativnih sistema (RHEL / Oracle Linux / Ubuntu)
  • Elementarna iskustva u administraciji virtuelizacijskih platformi (VMWare / Hyper-V / Docker / Kubernetes)
  • Elementarna iskustva u razvoju softvera i poznavanje bar jednog živog programskog jezika
  • Elementarno poznavanje mrežnih tehnologija
  • Elementarno poznavanje relacionih baza podataka (Oracle / MS SQL Server / PostgreSQL)
  • Elementarno poznavanje cloud platformi (Azure / AWS / Oracle Cloud)
  • Aktivno znanje engleskog jezika


Ako imate iskustvo u samostalnom rješavanju problema, analitični ste i sistematično pristupate njihovom rješavanju vjerujemo da bi ovo mogla biti interesantna pozicija za vas!

Čeka vas rad u timu profesionalaca, u kojem je međusobno poštovanje osnova svake komunikacije. U timu ćete imati priliku sticanja novih i usavršavanja postojećih vještina kao i mogućnost rada i sticanja iskustva u značajnim projektima.


U sigurnom i transparentnom poslovnom okruženju, vaša zaduženja će biti:

  • Instalacija, konfiguracija i održavanje aplikativnih sistema,
  • Definisanje i uspostavljanje sigurnosnih i backup procedura,
  • Praćenje performansi aplikacija,
  • Poslovi tehničke podrške korisnicima,
  • Projektovanje i realizacija rješenja
  • Priprema scenarija za testiranje rješenja,
  • Dokumentovanje rješenja.


Vašu prijavu za poziciju zajedno sa  biografijom možete poslati na adresu [email protected]!


Prijavom na oglas dajete saglasnost za čuvanje ličnih podataka u PING bazi kandidata.

Medior Software Developer

Sorry, this entry is only available in BHS.

Nama najvažnije …


Zaposleni su najveća vrijednost naše kompanije. A njih, više od 50, je ono što čini PING.

Uspjeh je timski sport. Zahtijeva predanost, nadahnuće i strast prema onome što radimo i ne dolazi bez njegovanja kulture povjerenja, uzajamnog poštovanja i osnaživanja. I to je ono što mi Pingovci živimo.

Spoj smo znanja i iskustva, mladosti i malo starije mladosti …

Naš tim je sačinjen od školovanih, certificiranih i visoko motivisanih eksperata. Nudimo radno okruženje u kome se svaki član tima dobro osjeća i motivisan je za profesionalni razvoj i unapređenje. Izazovni projekti i tehnologije, plaćena edukacija i certifikacija, odlasci na konferencije, omogućavaju svakom članu našeg tima da postigne svoju IZVRSNOST.

Posebnu pažnju posvećujemo zadovoljstvu i uspješnom balansiranju između poslovnog i privatnog života članova našeg tima.


Ako želite postati dio tima koji sam kreira svoje USPJEŠNE priče kontaktirajte nas i pošaljite svoju biografiju na [email protected].


Od Vas očekujemo:

  • Najmanje 2 godine radnog iskustva u razvoju softvera
  • Dobro poznavanje principa objektno orijentisanog programiranja
  • Dobro poznavanje nekog od programskih jezika: Python, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Iskustvo u radu sa relacionim bazama podataka
  • Sposobnost brzog učenja i rada sa različitim tehnologijama i alatima
  • Poznavanje principa agilnog softverskog razvoja



  • Iskustvo sa razvojom i deployment-om Docker aplikacija
  • Iskustvo sa CI/CD
  • Iskustvo sa Maven i Gradle alatima, te XCode-om
  • Iskustvo sa pisanjem unit i integracijskih testova


Kompetencije i vještine:

  • Timski duh i samostalnost u radu kada je potrebno
  • Motiviranost za rad u dinamičnom okruženju
  • Sistematičnost, pouzdanost i odgovornost
  • Proaktivnost u iznalaženju novih ideja i rješenja
  • Volja za usavršavanjem u području novih tehnologija i napredovanjem u profesionalnom pogledu


Vaše odgovornosti:

  • Učešće u procesu planiranja, razvoja i održavanja aplikativnih rješenja (web, mobile)
  • Učešće u izradi i modificiranju projektne i tehničke dokumentacije
  • Rješavanje kompleksnih zadataka u procesu projektovanja i razvoja aplikativnih rješenja
  • Biti u toku sa najnovijim trendovima i tehnologijama


Prijavom na oglas dajete saglasnost za čuvanje ličnih podataka u PING bazi kandidata.

Flutter Deveoper

Our success story is not something that happened by chance. We promote innovation and answer demands of our customers. We nurture partnership by suggesting fresh new ideas on ways to improve customers’ operations. A combination of great product, great people, and great culture played a key role in our growth.


You found us. Great. We are looking to expand our Rolla team of unique skilled professionals.


You are tired of your usual working routine and want to make some changes in your life? We offer you flexible working hours and challenging projects. You are looking for ability to try new things, and a company where learning and growth are possible. We offer expert colleagues and tremendous technological playground to help you develop yourself, all you need to bring with you is some good will. “Price doesn’t make deals, and salary doesn’t control your career.” Nevertheless we offer you competitive salaries.


Your daily job will look like this:

  • Translate designs and wireframes into high-quality code,
  • Creating multi-platform applications for both iOS and Android using Flutter development framework,
  • Design, build and maintain high performance, reusable, and reliable code,
  • Ensure the best possible performance, quality, and responsiveness of the application,
  • Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs,
  • Working on innovative application projects and creating new experiences.


We will benefit from your hiring because you have:

  • Minimum 2 years experience with Android Native or IOS Native,
  • Solid production experience with applications related to Flutter Developing,
  • General knowledge of Location Services, Maps, and other common Android/IOS libraries,
  • Experience with full-lifecycle design, development, and testing of critical business applications
  • Good problem solving skills with attention to detail
  • Team spirit 🙂


In the end …

In the end, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We of course have team building events for you to enjoy.


We are building a company where you can hopefully find an alignment in purpose, career growth and community belonging. It’s big. It’s challenging. It’s awesome. And most importantly, it works.


Feel free to apply. We are excited to hear from you!


If you still have some doubts, please do not hesitate to ask us anything through the application form (intro), our social media channels or at [email protected]

Project Manager

Our success story is not something that happened by chance. We promote innovation and answer demands of our customers. We nurture partnerships by suggesting fresh new ideas on ways to improve customers’ operations. A combination of a great product, great people, and great culture played a key role in our growth.

You found us. Great. We are looking to expand our Rolla team of uniquely skilled professionals.

Are you tired of your usual working routine and want to make some changes in your life? We offer you flexible working hours and challenging projects. You are looking for the ability to try new things and a company where learning and growth are possible. We offer expert colleagues and a tremendous technological playground to help you develop yourself, all you need to bring with you is some goodwill. “Price doesn’t make deals, and salary doesn’t control your career.” Nevertheless, we offer you competitive salaries.


Your daily job will look like this: 

  • Develop a detailed project plan, project schedules, allocate resources to monitor and track progress,
  • Lead process of issue identification and resolution,
  • Manage risk tracking process,
  • Measure project performance using appropriate tools and techniques,
  • Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation,
  • Communicate daily with a product owner, development team, customers,
  • Update and maintain all implementation calendars and schedules.


We will benefit from your hiring because you have: 

  • At least 2 years of proven working experience in project management,
  • Experience in leading IT projects,
  • Knowledge of applications development lifecycle,
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills,
  • Strong organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skill,
  • Highly organized and detail-oriented personality,
  • Advanced skills in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel,
  • Analytical skills,
  • Excellent knowledge of English.


In the end…

In the end, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We, of course, have team building events for you to enjoy.

We are building a company where you can hopefully find alignment in purpose, career growth, and community belonging. It’s big. It’s challenging. It’s awesome. And most importantly, it works.

Feel free to apply. We are excited to hear from you!

If you still have some doubts, please do not hesitate to ask us anything through the application form (intro), our social media channels, or at [email protected].

Android Developer

Our success story is not something that happened by chance. We promote innovation and answer demands of our customers. We nurture partnerships by suggesting fresh new ideas on ways to improve customers’ operations. A combination of great products, great people, and great culture played a key role in our growth.

You found us. Great. We are looking to expand our team in Zagreb of unique skilled professionals.

You are tired of your usual working routine and want to make some changes in your life? We offer you flexible working hours and challenging projects. You are looking for ability to try new things, and a company where learning and growth are possible. We offer expert colleagues and tremendous technological playground to help you develop yourself, all you need to bring with you is some good will. “Price doesn’t make deals, and salary doesn’t control your career.” Nevertheless we offer you competitive salaries.


Your daily job will look like this: 

  • Design and build applications for Android devices on the Android platform,
  • Maintain quality and ensure responsiveness of applications,
  • Collaborate with the rest of the engineering team to design and launch new features,
  • Maintain code integrity and organization,
  • Recommend software upgrades for our project and analyze software requirements and user needs to determine whether the system design is feasible.


We will benefit from your hiring because you have: 

  • Deep understanding of the Android SDK with experience building, integrating, testing, and supporting Android applications for mobile and tablet devices,
  • Solid understanding of the full software development lifecycle including application architecture design,
  • Experience working within a team with a focus on code quality, where testing, code reviews, and continuous integration are the norm,
  • Working knowledge of Kotlin (our code base is written almost entirely in Kotlin).


“B” as bonus: 

  • Experience with common design patterns such as MVP or MVVM.
  • Experience using common libraries such as RxJava2, Dagger2, Retrofit etc.
  • Familiarity with GIT.


In the end …

In the end, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We of course have team building events for you to enjoy.

We are building a company where you can hopefully find an alignment in purpose, career growth and community belonging. It’s big. It’s challenging. It’s awesome. And most importantly, it works.

Feel free to apply. We are excited to hear from you!

If you still have some doubts, please do not hesitate to ask us anything through the application form (intro), our social media channels or at [email protected]

Projektant proizvoda

Sorry, this entry is only available in BHS.

Opis poslova i radnih zadataka:


  • Razvoj i implementacija dijelova poslovnih aplikacija prema detaljnim funkcionalnim specifikacijama
  • Dokumentovanje implementiranih dijelova u skladu sa internim procedurama i alatima
  • Testiranje funkcionalnosti implementiranih dijelova poslovnih aplikacija
  • Priprema tehničke i korisničke dokumentacije
  • Lokacija pozicije Tuzla ili Sarajevo


Uslovi koje kandidati trebaju ispunjavati:


  • Visoka ili viša stručna sprema IT smjera ili u iznimnim situacijama srednja stručna sprema uz uvažavanje postignutih rezultata
  • Minimalno 2 godine radnog iskustva na sličnim poslovima
  • Poznavanje alata i okruženja za timski razvoj web orijentisanih poslovnih aplikacija
  • Spremnost na brzo upoznavanje sa raznim objektnim sistemima
  • Komunikativnost i profesionalizam u ophođenju sa korisnikom
  • Orjentisanost ka ostvarivanju rezultata
  • Sposobnost delegiranja zadataka
  • Efikasnost u samostalnom i timskom radu
  • Inovativnost
  • Sistematičnost i analitičnost
  • Planiranje i organiziranje
  • Timski rad
  • Aktivno poznavanje engleskog jezika




  • Ugodno, sigurno i transparentno poslovno okruženje
  • Kontinuiranu edukaciju
  • Mogućnost sticanja novih i usavršavanja postojećih vještina
  • Mogućnost sudjelovanja i sticanja iskustva u značajnim projektima

Java Software Engineer

Why is this role important at Infobip?

Our use case is specific. We are solving complex problems for global brands. If our services are down, our clients send messages through other providers. And when our competitors have troubles in production, we have to be the most reliable provider to get the majority of their traffic. We avoid big release dates and deploy to production when you finish a task in your sprint. It is an in-house developed product so there is no contract forcing you to guerilla develop something and troubleshoot later.

As a Software Engineer, you will directly impact the quality of the software we produce, dealing with challenges of large architecture (scalability, fail over, balancing…) that sends over 400 mil messages daily.​


You know you are doing a good job when:

  • You write well designed, testable and scalable code in accordance to clean code principles and team agreement.
  • All code you produce is thoroughly tested for bugs and reviewed before going into production.
  • You have a great general overview of the system that your team is dependent of, understanding the interactions and dependencies among those components.
  • You regularly contribute to discussions and brainstorming with high quality ideas that result in adoption and improvements.
  • You proactively share knowledge and help your team evolve into a better team.


More about you:

  • You have 3+ years of experience with Java, Spring and Spring boot development or related techologies and delivering multi-tier enterprise applications.
  • You don’t want to touch HTML, CSS or the latest JS library – great!
  • If you want to work as a Fullstack developer (or become one later) – great as well! Our teams have the libery to choose their stack and they have chosen Angular and Webpack.
  • You have worked before on a high load, large scale platform that has to be highly available. Or you are just starting and this is your career goal. 🙂
  • You know how to build highload distributed service-oriented applications.
  • You share our passion for building high quality software in agile environment.
  • You know and care about engineering practices like continuous delivery and automated testing.
  • You are genuinely curious about how things work, always looking to improve code quality, development process etc.
  • You build positive, lasting relationships with colleagues in the team.


Why our employees choose us (and stay)?

  • Cutting edge technology & processes – To us, continuous delivery and integration aren’t just buzzwords. Be a part of a team that deploys something to production every 6 minutes.
  • Global products developed in-house – We depend on the quality of our in-house developed products, which is why we put so much emphasis on code quality. The fact that our products are being used by half of the world’s population means that we have to make our software platform scalable.
  • Opportunity knocks. Often. – Being a part of a growing company in a growing industry – we challenge you not to grow! Whether it’s horizontal, vertical, or angular, we want to support the path that you want to carve.
  • Learn as you grow – Starting from the Dev Campus as an onboarding program, to internal education, our 3-day Dev conference, Hackathons to attending conferences, we invest heavily in employee learning and development.
  • Educational budget – You get to decide will you spend your budget on conferences, online courses or certifications.
  • Compensation & Benefits  – Competitive salary, health benefits, expatriate compensation packages for your business trips, a team taking care of all the equipment you need, team buildings and other organised activities, a kitchen stocked with the usual suspects, flexible working hours, opportunity to work from home up to 5 days per month, internal conference for developers which brings together 7 development center in thermal resort… Talk about a balanced lifestyle!

Senior Java Software Engineer / Team Leader

Why is this role important at Infobip?

  • Every great company’s success starts with having a great product. To write our success story, it is essential to continue innovating and developing our global, in-house developed product. As a Software Engineer, you will directly impact the quality of the software we produce, dealing with challenges of complex architecture (scalability, fail over, balancing…) of a 4-nine uptime system that drives huge traffic.


What your job will be like:

  • As a software engineer, you will work in agile team, responsible for certain product. You‘ll be using cutting edge solutions (Spring Boot, Docker, Kafka, Redis, Continuous Delivery) for creating and maintaining highload distributed services that are part of our messaging platform.
  • As a Senior profile specialist we expect that you take proactive ownership of tasks and see them through to completion. Responsibility for coding, bug testing, software deployment, tracking the product through its lifecycle and communication with the internal teams are also included.
  • You will work on demanding tasks which require responsibility and freedom to choose the best technologies for that challenge.


You know you are doing a good job when:

  • You write well designed, testable and scalable code in accordance to clean code principles and team agreement.
  • All code you produce is thoroughly tested for bugs and reviewed before going into production.
  • You have a great general overview of the system that your team is dependent of, understanding the interactions and dependencies among those components.
  • You regularly contribute to discussions and brainstorming with high quality ideas that result in adoption and improvements.
  • You proactively share knowledge and help your team evolve into a better team.


More about you:

  • You have 5+ years of experience with Java, Spring and related technologies, experience with some frontend framework is a plus.
  • You know how to build highload distributed service-oriented applications.
  • You share our passion for building high quality software in agile environment.
  • You know and care about engineering practices like continuous delivery and automated testing.
  • You are genuinely curious about how things work, always looking to improve code quality, development process etc.
  • You build positive, lasting relationships with colleagues in the team.
  • If you wish to be a part of the team with no leading it, let’s discuss that.


Why our employees choose us (and stay)?

  • Cutting edge technology & processes – To us, continuous delivery and integration aren’t just buzzwords. Be a part of a team that deploys something to production every 6 minutes.
  • Global products developed in-house – We depend on the quality of our in-house developed products, which is why we put so much emphasis on code quality. The fact that our products are being used by half of the world’s population means that we have to make our software platform scalable.
  • Opportunity knocks. Often. – Being a part of a growing company in a growing industry – we challenge you not to grow! Whether it’s horizontal, vertical, or angular, we want to support the path that you want to carve.
  • Learn as you grow – Starting from the Dev Campus as an onboarding program, to internal education, our 3-day Dev conference, Hackathons to attending conferences, we invest heavily in employee learning and development.
  • Educational budget – You get to decide will you spend your budget on conferences, online courses or certifications.
  • Compensation & Benefits  – Competitive salary, health benefits, expatriate compensation packages for your business trips, a team taking care of all the equipment you need, team buildings and other organised activities, a kitchen stocked with the usual suspects, flexible working hours, opportunity to work from home up to 5 days per month, internal conference for developers which brings together 7 development center in thermal resort… Talk about a balanced lifestyle!

Senior .NET Developers

We are Symphony! The first culture driven technology house dedicated to crafting the workforce of the future. Our community in Sarajevo is now on the lookout for great Senior .NET Developers.

What do we want you ask? We want you! You are highly passionate about cracking the toughest challenges in tech. For you, engineering is not a job, it is a life passion. You understand design patterns and their implementation in real life coding problems and you always strive to provide best, but really the best practice solutions. First of all, you are a born leader, focused on making the team motivated, guiding them and work on understanding both team and business needs. You are a .NETweb developer, experienced in ASP.NET, MVC patterns, SQL servers and some NoSQL. Also, you have hands-on experience in OO Analysis and Design Skills, Entity framework (or other ORM). At last, and not least, you can handle the occasional front-end development in JavaScriptframeworks like Knockout or Angular. Yea, and let’s not forget that you’re an expert in software patterns and design principles.

You will have the chance to work with one of the best people there is on some of the most challenging projects there are. How else would we develop such great solutions in various fields such as augmented reality, biotechnology, machine learning and much more? You get an office with an impressive and fully equipped work zone. It also has a comfy fun zone, tasty & healthy food, playrooms and more. And you are the master of your own office time, work how you want, when you want, where you want.

Want to find out more before applying? You can always drop by for a cup of coffee/tea and an introductory meeting with our Enis.