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New lecture cycle of the Bit Alliance members at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo

On Wednesday, May 31st, started a new lecture cycle of the Bit Alliance members at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo. The purpose of the lectures is to introduce students with world trends in the software industry and inform them how to better prepare for work in this dynamic industry.


Belma Ibrahimović from Atlantbh held a presentation on “Data Scientist – How to Start?”. Belma presented the key concepts and relationships of Data Scientist teams with other project members.


Among the students who participated in this lecture was Mehmed Rustemović, a student of master’s degree program at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, who gave us his impressions: “The lecture was very interesting, this is one of the most popular segments of industry.ā€ and Mehmed concludes: ā€œWhat I would like to see is more workshops and demonstration of work with data so I could learn and try to apply concepts in practice.”


This was the first lecture in this cycle and in two more lectures will be held in June:
– June 21st at 16h – Ā«Dev -> Dev-Ops -> OpsĀ» (Ministry of Programming)
– June 28st at 16h – “Machine learning and how / why to start with it” (Mistral)


One of the key goals of Bit Alliance is cooperation with educational institutions and we look forward to new opportunities to introduce young engineers with software engineering segments where they can work and develop their career.