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Request for Information (RFI) on the taking over and maintaining of the BIHPERFORM System

Date of Issuance: July 20, 2018

Closing Date: August 20, 2018
Please email responses to [email protected]. Please reference the e-mail with the subject title “Response to RFI”.
This U.S. Agency for International Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (USAID/BiH) RFI is issued to collect written information about the capabilities of Bosnia and Herzegovina based legal entities engaged in, or capable of providing services for taking over and maintaining the BIHPERFORM system. The information provided will be used to help guide future planning decisions. The requested information will not be shared publicly. Please see below for requested information to be sent to USAID/BiH.
USAID/BiH Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity (MEASURE-BiH) developed a web-based performance information management system (BIHPERFORM) that allows entry, storage, aggregation, retrieval, display, and reporting of USAID/BiH project and activity performance indicators and information on interventions’ work types and spending. The system has an administrative function that allows USAID/BiH staff to assign user roles and administer projects and activities. Moreover, it streamlines the submission and review of reporting by USAID/BiH implementing partners. BIHPERFORM is fully integrated with GIS mapping application developed by MEASURE-BiH to enable users to store, visualize, and analyze spatial information about USAID interventions throughout BiH. For more information about USAID/BiH MEASURE-BiH please visit www.measurebih.com.
This RFI will be open from the date of release through August 20, 2018. Please send all responses to this RFI via email to [email protected].
This is a Request for Information. This is not a Request for Proposals (RFP) or a Request for Applications (RFA) and is not to be construed as a commitment by the U.S. Government to issue any solicitation or Notice of Funding Opportunity, or ultimately award a contract or assistance agreement on the basis of this RFI. USAID will not pay for information submitted nor will it reimburse for costs incurred by a BiH legal entity that elects to respond to this request. All costs associated with responding to this request will be solely at the respondent’s expense.
The issuance of this request will not restrict the Government’s ultimate approach, if any. Respondents are advised that USAID is under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information, answer questions or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information submitted. Any information submitted in response to this notice is voluntary. Not responding to this request does not preclude participation in any future solicitation, if any is issued.
Responses to this notice must be received by no later than the due date and time stated in this notice. All information provided will become the property of USAID and will not be returned. USAID reserves the right to use information provided by respondents for its purposes. Proprietary information must not be sent. No phone calls will be accepted.




The BIHPERFORM system integrates Performance Information Management System (data entry and management) and Geographic Information System (GIS). It is a web-based application built using Microsoft’s web application framework and it is hosted in Amazon’s Amazon Web Service (AWS) cloud platform. The mapping application is built using ArcGIS Online (cloud based GIS).

BIHPERFORM hardware, software and mapping architecture


Technology and application logic

Hardware supporting BiHPERFORM is hosted in AWS. It is a web-based application built using Microsoft’s ASP.Net MVC web application framework that runs on Microsoft Windows Server 2012. HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, and Google’s AngularJS are used to provide web-page structure and client side functionality. Twitter’s Bootstrap cascading style sheet (CSS) library is used to provide a responsive, uniform front-end. Application logic is written in the C# programming language. AWS’s Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) provides notification and email services.

Data structure and presentation tier

In BiHPERFORM, structured data is stored in the Microsoft SQL Server 2014 DBMS. Unstructured data, such as documents, is stored in AWS’s Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). The web application communicates to the database using Microsoft’s Object Relational Mapping (ORM) framework Entity Framework. BiHPERFORM utilizes ESRI ArcGIS Online for the web-based mapping application. The map couples the information that is collected and managed by the BiHPERFORM system. BiHPERFORM mapping utilizes the presentation tier with the addition of the ERSI ArcGIS JavaScript API.

GIS and mapping

The GIS data in the mapping application consists of primary data and secondary data. The primary data represents geography utilized for mapping BiHPERFORM data. Secondary data is collected from a variety of sources to provide relevant content to the map. This data is managed as both data layer and data services in ArcGIS Online. ESRI’s ArcGIS for Desktop software is used to manage all of primary and secondary data in the mapping application. The primary and secondary reside locally in an ESRI file geodatabase (rather than in ArcGIS Online). Metadata is maintained for each mapping layer and is accessible both locally and within the mapping website.



Migrating the BiHPERFORM platform: Taking over the BiHPERFORM platform to the local BiH legal entity would entail the following tasks:


  • Transferring the AWS resources to the local BiH legal entity’s AWS account
  • Transferring the management of the bihperform.com domain to the local BiH legal entity Transferring the management of the ArcGIS Online account and geodatabase to the local BiH legal entity
  • Transferring the management and monitoring of the [email protected] support email address to the local BiH legal entity
Delivering the source code for BiHPERFORM to the local BiH legal entity


Administration and data management. Administration of the system and data management without any programming changes should be provided by two user roles, General Admin user and GIS Admin user. Both Admin users should be also familiar with USAID results framework and required document submission.
General Admin user should be able to understand and accomplish the following tasks:


  • Adding, changing and deleting users
  • Resetting user’s passwords
  • Resending account confirmations to users
  • Adding, changing and deleting IPs
  • Adding, changing and deleting
  • Activities
o Submitting and resetting Activity Documents


GIS Admin user should be able to understand and accomplish the following tasks:


  • Integrate secondary data in a file geodatabase and publish hosted feature layers to ArcGIS Online organizational account
  • Modify Organizational account URL (set username and password)
  • Modifying settings for access to ArcGIS Online hosted feature layers (primary and secondary
  • mapping layers)
  • Create and integrate metadata for the secondary mapping layers
  • Toggle mapping data between all or only confirmed BiHPERFORM data
  • Set currency format displayed in data visualization areas (popups, legends, reports, and graphs)

System updates and programming. Small updates to the web application part of BiHPERFORM are possible with minimal programming however they still will require an understanding of the web application architecture, database structure, as well as the process of deploying those changes. To make changes to the Projects and Results Framework, the BiH legal entity will need a resource with SQL skills. In order for the USAID/BiH to make major changes to BiHPERFORM, a resource(s) would need to be available that has the following technical skill set:


  • The ASP.Net MVC web development framework
  • Web development
  • The C#, JavaScript, HTML and CSS languages
  • The jQuery and AngularJS JavaScript frameworks
  • Visual Studio development environment
  • Git source code control
  • Cloud software development in AWS
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • ArcGIS Desktop and ArGIS Online
  • Mapping APIs

** If your organization has the capability and/or interest in this type of work, please send a capability statement to [email protected]. This capability statement should include:


  • Substantive examples of your experience(s) in performing this type of work and and/or your ability to partner for taking over and maintaining this BiHPerform system.
  • Confirmation that you are a legal entity registered to perform work in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and are interested as a sole organization or in partnership with another organization (please provide information on any partnerships)
  • The products or services you are offering (Core competencies)
  • Company address, email, and point of contact

For more informations please contact: Sarajevo OAA [email protected]