Kompanija BS Telecom Solutions nova članica udruženja Bit Alijansa

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Kompanija BS Telecom Solutions nova članica udruženja Bit Alijansa

BS Telecom Solutions još jedna je u nizu kompanija koja se pridružila udruženju Bit Alijansa. Sporazum o pridruživanju, potpisali su direktor kompanije BS Telecom Solutions, Mirza Varatanović i generalni direktor udruženja Bit Alijansa, Armin Talić.


U svrhu stvaranja pozitivnog poslovnog okruženja za stalni rast softverske industrije u BiH, Bit Alijansa kontinuirano radi na rješavanju dva najveća problema sa kojima se softverske kompanije suočavaju u poslovanju u BiH, poput nedostatka visoko obrazovnih kadrova i izostanak podsticaja od strane nadležni institucija sa svih nivoa vlasti u BiH.


Kompanija BS Telecom Solutions je od 2002. godine, na tržištu je prisutna kao proizvođač, isporučilac i integrator kompletnih telekomunikacijskih i informacijskih sistema, koji se zasnivaju na modernim tehnologijama i vlastitim tehnološkim istraživanjima. Koncept rješenja koje nude, uvijek je u skladu sa zahtjevima i potrebama klijenta, te je zasnovan prema međunarodnim standardima iz komunikacijskih i informacijskih oblasti.


BS Telecom Solutions će zajedno sa ostalim članicama nastojati suočiti se sa izazovima softverske industrije.


Udruženje Bit Alijansa osnovano je 2014. godine. Od tada, broj kompanija članica kontinuirano se povećava. Danas udruženje broji četrnaest članica udruženih s jednim ciljem – da suočavanjem sa brojnim preprekama koje usporavaju rast, stvore nove prilike na tržištu softverske industrije.

Bit Alijansa i Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu potpisali memorandum o međusobnoj saradnji

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Bit Alijansa i Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu

Bit Alijansa i Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu potpisali memorandum o međusobnoj saradnji
U interesu osnaživanja i razvoja informacionog društva u BiH, generalni direktor Bit Alijanse, Armin Talić i dekan Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu, prof. dr Zoran Ljuboje, potpisali su memorandum o međusobnoj saradnji ove dvije institucije.


Sporazumom su se obavezali da će u duhu najbolje saradnje i dobre volje, međusobno sarađivati s ciljem osnaživanja, unapređenja i razvoja informacionog društva u Bosni i Hercegovini.


Obrazovni sistem u BiH, opterećen zastarjelim sistemom edukacije, mladima uskraćuje praktični dio nastave i producira kadar bez odgovarajućih vještina, koje su neophodne za uspješno realiziranje poslova. Studenti bi trebali pohađati nastavu koja će im omogućiti sticanje najnovijih znanja iz oblasti informacione tehnologije, te omogućiti rad na razvoju kompetencija koje im, kao budućim softver inženjerima nedostaju” – izjavio je Armin Talić, generalni direktor udruženja Bit Alijansa.


Saradnja Bit Alijanse sa akademskom zajednicom neophodna je kako bi se stvorili uslovi za usklađivanje nastavnog programa fakulteta u skladu sa razvojem tehnologije, ali i potrebama softverske industrije.


Elektrotehnički fakultet Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu je opredijeljen za saradnju sa privredom u cilju unapređenja kvaliteta visokog obrazovanja. Saradnja je naročito potrebna u tehničkim disciplinama i oblastima koje se veoma brzo mijenjaju, kao što su informaciono-komunikacione tehnologije, zbog usklađivanja studijskih programa sa potrebama tržišta rada, obezbjeđivanja konkretnih projekata i prakse za studente, te razvoja programa kontinualne edukacije” – izjavio je prof. dr Zoran Ljuboje, dekan Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Istočnom Sarajevu


Kompanije koje su članice Bit Alijanse, sinergijom, brojnim projektima i programima, odlučne su u namjeri da osiguraju kvalitetnu edukaciju za mlade osobe, s ciljem razvoja nauke, informacione tehnologije i softverske industrije u BiH.

Certificate Awards for Participants of the Programming School

Certificate Awards for Participants of the Programming School

There are currently insufficient number of educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina to produce the necessary specialists for the software industry so it is necessary to work on education of youth in primary and secondary schools.


The Association of Mathematicians of Sarajevo Canton, in cooperation with Bit Alliance, and the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, recognized the need to provide a form of informal education to interested youth from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina, aged 12 to 17, where they will have the opportunity to learn the basics of the software development process by Python and C ++ programming languages. In connection with this, three months ago, Programming School started and there was 80 participants.


TAs and professors of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, winners of the Golden and Silver badges of the University of Sarajevo shared their knowledge with participants. First cycle of Programming School ended on June 2th and all participants were awarded with Certificates of Attendance.


Burch University established cooperation with Bit Alliance

Burch University established cooperation with Bit Alliance

On behalf of Bit Alliance, Armin Talić, General Manager, met with the Rector, Prof. Dr. Damir Marjanović, at Burch University. This friendly visit was an opportunity to discuss the purpose of developing a positive business environment for young future generations, and establishing a cooperation so that new generations can study and adopt skills required and mandated in accordance with the current skill needs on the labor market.


Consequently, the two institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding and thus strengthened their cooperation so far both in the field of education and in the field of employment.


Bit Alliance, the largest organization of Bosnian-Herzegovinian software industry, contains 13 of the largest software companies with more than 1,300 employees. This organization continuously works on resolving two of the biggest issues that software companies are experiencing every day – the lack of highly skilled employees and poorly developed software industry infrastructure, accompanied with the lack of development incentives. On the other hand, this institution is one of the largest employers for young IT professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region

New lecture cycle of the Bit Alliance members at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo

New lecture cycle of the Bit Alliance members at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo

On Wednesday, May 31st, started a new lecture cycle of the Bit Alliance members at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sarajevo. The purpose of the lectures is to introduce students with world trends in the software industry and inform them how to better prepare for work in this dynamic industry.


Belma Ibrahimović from Atlantbh held a presentation on “Data Scientist – How to Start?”. Belma presented the key concepts and relationships of Data Scientist teams with other project members.


Among the students who participated in this lecture was Mehmed Rustemović, a student of master’s degree program at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, who gave us his impressions: “The lecture was very interesting, this is one of the most popular segments of industry.” and Mehmed concludes: “What I would like to see is more workshops and demonstration of work with data so I could learn and try to apply concepts in practice.”


This was the first lecture in this cycle and in two more lectures will be held in June:
– June 21st at 16h – «Dev -> Dev-Ops -> Ops» (Ministry of Programming)
– June 28st at 16h – “Machine learning and how / why to start with it” (Mistral)


One of the key goals of Bit Alliance is cooperation with educational institutions and we look forward to new opportunities to introduce young engineers with software engineering segments where they can work and develop their career.