27th May, 2021 by Bit Alliance

United to Develop More: A Project Success Story of ZIRA and Mistral

Bit Alliance

To stay competitive in today’s fast-paced environment, innovative companies sometimes unite their strengths to reach common goals. Collaboration between companies from the same industry should be given much more attention as it is a fantastic means to an end on multiple levels; from better results to experience exchange. 
Recent studies have shown that these kinds of partnerships nurture innovation, but also make companies more resilient.

Sharing complementary best practices increases both productivity and profitability. Teams get to experience a new dynamic and enjoy a wave of fresh energy. Long-lasting bonds get formed. Incredible products get made.
Recently, ZIRA and Mistral embarked on such a journey and set a clear example of how a project collaboration truly delivers on all mentioned premises and benefits.
Both ZIRA and Mistral are one of the first members of BIT Alliance, the leading association of top IT companies in BIH. The founders of BIT Alliance have imagined it to be a platform for building partnerships that would yield better results for the local IT scene as a whole, positioning BIH high on the global software market.

Following that vision, ZIRA recognized an opportunity for collaboration with Mistral on one of its most recent projects. Here is the story:

ZIRA x Mistral – Project Collaboration 
With 25 years of business experience under its belt, ZIRA is a globally recognized vendor of innovative business support systems. They work with digital service providers and telecommunication operators across a whopping 30+ countries.  
A large telecommunications company, with whom ZIRA has a long and fruitful partnership, was in need of a fully customized upgrade of a customer/partner portal that is on top of the existing innovative products developed by ZIRA that were already in use. This portal needed to provide end-users with a wide range of services in an effort to limit direct user-telecom interactions, thus further limiting misunderstandings and waiting time. 

A request of this magnitude presented a great opportunity for inter-BIT Alliance corporation. Mistral was the most logical candidate for this, as they have already worked with telecom companies and have been building web applications for over a decade.

Mistral’s highly creative and experienced team was up for the task and ready to tackle all the challenges, keeping in mind that timing and precision were key in executing this project above all else. 
ZIRA & Mistral were eager to show that this kind of partnership can be very beneficial to both teams as everyone gets a chance to shine in their area of expertise.  
 Collaboration Outcomes

ZIRA and Mistral have been collaborating on this project for less than six months, and the portal is already up and running. The client was more than satisfied with the look and feel of the portal so we can safely say that collaboration was a success, but what partners are taking away from this experience reaches far beyond the deliverables. 
They both gained: 
Fresh perspectives in terms of processes, procedures, and client communication 
Effective exchange of the valuable know-how and best practices 
Together they managed to create a world-class product that will directly and positively affect client’s businesses.
The Bottom Line   
 It appears that ZIRA & Mistral are the first BIT Alliance members to have put its slogan into action: United to develop more. We firmly believe that this type of cooperation can serve as an excellent example for how to move the burgeoning Bosnian and Herzegovinian IT industry forward.

To stay competitive in today’s fast-paced environment, innovative companies sometimes unite their strengths to reach common goals. Collaboration between companies from the same industry should be given much more attention as it is a fantastic means to an end on multiple levels; from better results to experience exchange. 
Recent studies have shown that these kinds of partnerships nurture innovation, but also make companies more resilient.

Sharing complementary best practices increases both productivity and profitability. Teams get to experience a new dynamic and enjoy a wave of fresh energy. Long-lasting bonds get formed. Incredible products get made.
Recently, ZIRA and Mistral embarked on such a journey and set a clear example of how a project collaboration truly delivers on all mentioned premises and benefits.
Both ZIRA and Mistral are one of the first members of BIT Alliance, the leading association of top IT companies in BIH. The founders of BIT Alliance have imagined it to be a platform for building partnerships that would yield better results for the local IT scene as a whole, positioning BIH high on the global software market.

Following that vision, ZIRA recognized an opportunity for collaboration with Mistral on one of its most recent projects. Here is the story:

ZIRA x Mistral – Project Collaboration 
With 25 years of business experience under its belt, ZIRA is a globally recognized vendor of innovative business support systems. They work with digital service providers and telecommunication operators across a whopping 30+ countries.  
A large telecommunications company, with whom ZIRA has a long and fruitful partnership, was in need of a fully customized upgrade of a customer/partner portal that is on top of the existing innovative products developed by ZIRA that were already in use. This portal needed to provide end-users with a wide range of services in an effort to limit direct user-telecom interactions, thus further limiting misunderstandings and waiting time. 

A request of this magnitude presented a great opportunity for inter-BIT Alliance corporation. Mistral was the most logical candidate for this, as they have already worked with telecom companies and have been building web applications for over a decade.

Mistral’s highly creative and experienced team was up for the task and ready to tackle all the challenges, keeping in mind that timing and precision were key in executing this project above all else. 
ZIRA & Mistral were eager to show that this kind of partnership can be very beneficial to both teams as everyone gets a chance to shine in their area of expertise.  
 Collaboration Outcomes

ZIRA and Mistral have been collaborating on this project for less than six months, and the portal is already up and running. The client was more than satisfied with the look and feel of the portal so we can safely say that collaboration was a success, but what partners are taking away from this experience reaches far beyond the deliverables. 
They both gained: 
Fresh perspectives in terms of processes, procedures, and client communication 
Effective exchange of the valuable know-how and best practices 
Together they managed to create a world-class product that will directly and positively affect client’s businesses.
The Bottom Line   
 It appears that ZIRA & Mistral are the first BIT Alliance members to have put its slogan into action: United to develop more. We firmly believe that this type of cooperation can serve as an excellent example for how to move the burgeoning Bosnian and Herzegovinian IT industry forward.