“Smart cities – towards the digital transformation of cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

The signing of a memorandum of cooperation by the five elected local self-government units in 2021 officially marked the beginning of the implementation of the project “Smart Cities – Towards Digital Transformation of Cities in BiH”, which with the financial support of the develoPPP.de program of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ ), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), companies Lanaco and DVC Solutions, and implemented by Bit Alliance, an association of IT companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The contribution of this project is reflected in increasing the capacity of cities to adapt to digital transformation and the implementation of digital solutions. The planned period of implementation of project activities is from 2021 to 2023.


As part of the project, the implementation of digitization solutions is planned in the area of five public local governments: Zvornik, Pale, Zenica, Tešanj and Prijedor. In the area of the city of Zvornik and the municipality of Pale, the implementation of the “Citizen Patrol” application is planned, while in the area of Zenica, Tešnja and Prijedor, the implementation of a smart parking – the “GoParking” system is planned. The result of this project for the aforementioned public local self-governments are road maps of digital transformation that will significantly serve the path of digitalization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


During the second and third quarters of 2022, the implementation of the Civil Patrol application was completed in the area of the city of Zvornik and the municipality of Pale.


The implementation of the smart cities category is not possible without a developed IT sector within a state, institutions, as well as the public and private sectors. That is precisely why, on the initiative of the Bit Alliance, Smart City Forum was founded in 2021, a permanent meeting place for key actors who contribute to this process.
